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School Lunch Initiative


At the present, Thai children are at serious health risk

Children and youth are valuable and important to the country's future development, but at the present many of them are at serious health risk. This is because children are consuming unsafe food, vegetables, mushrooms, and fruits. This results in an accumulation of toxins within their body over a long period of time, which may be a cause of illness and various types of diseases.

Nutrition problems and unnecessary illnesses and other problems in the context of Thai society affects children directly and indirectly.

School Lunch Initiative

The School Lunch Initiative by the IKI-SCP Project, under WWF Thailand aims to help students gain access chemical-free vegetables and mushrooms that are grown by their and their parent's own hands.

Preventive measures and guidelines which protect the children are needed. Solving health risk problems requires a variety of learning processes that encourages youth and people see the value and importance health. In addition, promoting healthy activities will help create opportunities for Thai children's health to be protected safely. 

The schools we are working with sees the importance of protecting the heath of their students. The school encourages students grow organic vegetables within the schoo groundsl and at home. These organic produce are then used in their school lunches. The remaining produce sold to the community. Not only is planting a healthy activity for the students helping them remain active, this project has also been created to encourage students to gain knowledge and know how to eat more organic vegetables.

Project objectives

  1. To encourage students to have knowledge and a better understanding about how to grow vegetables and mushrooms, which can be practiced in daily life
  2. To help students and parents learn more about the organic produce market and earn extra income.
  3. To help parents understand and see the benefits of choosing to eat chemical free vegetables and mushrooms.
  4. To create green space in schools and local communities