While the Seven Steps and the Seven-Step methodology are the most important aspect of the Eco-Schools programme, we have found that working with Themes can also be a great help in giving the programme even more structure.

For the purpose of the Environmental Review there are 9 main Themes.  These are:

Waste Management

  • Ineffective solid waste management has been a huge problem around the world especially in Thailand. In this topic, the students will learn about the impacts from solid waste problem in the school and an effective waste management such as 3Rs which are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.


  • Energy plays a main role in the climate change as its process produces the most CO2 compare with other topics. The effective energy consumption helps reducing the impact from the climate change. The students will learn on energy efficiency such as behavior change and electricity label reading.

Water Resources

  • Water is life. Everyone should understand an important of water and how to manage it with the least water pollution.

Health and Well-being

  • Learn and understand how to take care of your own health and basic rights. Encourage students to grow up with quality.

School grounds

  • Design and improve your school to support a learning environment, offering a safe and potentially exciting facility for outdoor education that can complement classroom-based activities.


  • Humankind is not the only living in the world but we have an interaction with environment. Students will learn about a connection with nature which encourages them on sympathy and obligingness.


  • Suggests ways for pupils, staff and local government to work together to raise awareness of transport issues and come up with practical solutions that will make a real difference to pupils’ everyday lives.

Climate Change

  • Learning about the impact of the climate change and how to have a resilience life to natural disaster and climate change.

Global Citizenship

  • Examines what our rights and responsibilities are on a National, Region and Global scale and encourage staff, students and parents to look at the impacts our consumption habits have on other parts of the world.